She is a whirlwind, a dancer, a comedian, a vaudevillian, a serious questioner. She can get philosophical about Trolls and Peppa Pig, posing existential questions that I'm sure their creators never stopped to think about. She's brave and can often stomach scary things better than her older brother. And today our Miss Charlotte turns 4 years old.
She loves to cuddle and kiss and snuggle. She has a great belly-laugh but can just a quickly flounce off in a huff if something's not going her way. She has a way with words, using very grown-up turns of phrases that - along with animated facial expressions - keep us always entertained. She's a natural actress and attention-getter. She was born with "It."
Charlotte is our extra-extravert, spotting strangers a block away and asking to be introduced. "What her name is? Will he play with me? Let's go find out!" She'll talk to anybody and everybody (and if she doesn't or won't, then there must be a good reason).
She loves her Mama and Daddy and big brother, though she can hold her own in a sibling-battle. She is our sweet, funny Charlotte, and we can't imagine our lives without her. Her GrandMary loves her beyond all reason. Happy Birthday, dear girl!
What Do You Need to Stay Warm?
1 year ago