Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 3: Big Questions

Now that I've settled into the baby-routine, certain questions keep coming up. Funny thing, seems as though I had the same questions 27 years ago with GrandBoy's mama. Hm. So, if anybody has the answers to one or more, I'd appreciate hearing them.
  1. How can such a small, sweet baby contain so much poo? Good, rich fertilizer poo, certainly, but poo all the same. What comes out of him weighs about three times more that he does. How is that possible?
  2. How - after hours of vigorous kicking and bouncing, a tummy full of carrots, bananas, and milk, and a dark room with a relaxing ceiling fan and ocean-wave sound machine - can GrandBoy still try to resist sleep? (GrandMary - 'way bigger than the babe - nods off quite easily with just half those elements in play.)
  3. And speaking of vigorous kicking and bouncing, how on earth does this tiny creature keep it up for so long? Today he bounced in his little horsey bouncer for almost 45 minutes. Really. Didn't even break a sweat. Just boing-boinged minute after minute.
It was such a beautiful, cool morning, that GrandBoy ate al fresco, licking bowl and the spoon. No wonder he's Mr. Chunky Thighs. Then he amused himself for a while, giggling at himself in the mirror. We also ventured out for the first time in a few days - just drove around with the car windows down, getting a little fresh air.

Oh, and we really got into Sesame Street this morning and learned a new song: Let Your Piggies Breathe, whereupon we let our piggies breathe by going barefoot.

Looking forward to tomorrow's adventures!

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Mary: Grandboy Knows....You Are Grandma. This is why he test limits that he does not EVEN attempt with his parents. Believe me..if ANYONE knows how to behave around grandparents vs.'s me.

POO: Be proud! Lot's of Poo means lots of good eating! Whether last week or yesterday...makes no difference.

EXHAUSTING!!! yes...but knowing you get to give him back to mom and dad is a great big HELL YEAH!!!

Your the Bomb!!! Love You!