I have 2013 wishes for my dear GrandBoy and the little granddaughter who will join our family in a few months. Sometimes wishes are the most a GrandMary can give, so here they are:
I offer 500 wishes for your good physical and mental health. A strong body and healthy mind provide a firm foundation for every other aspect of your life. Take care of yourself.
I offer 250 wishes for an inquiring and discerning heart. I want you to wonder, to dream, to think, to figure things out - right from wrong, day from night, wise and unwise. Notice the word is "heart," not "mind." Whatever your intellectual pursuits and aspirations, may they always contain a dollop of humanity, of heart, of faith.
Which brings me to 250 wishes for your compassion. Don't be a meanie. Be strong enough to stand up for yourself and for other people, but don't be a bully. Always be able to imagine what it's like to be someone else, and act accordingly. Individualism is fine, but we're all in this world together. Learn the Beatitudes. Live by the Golden Rule as best you can. Find a way to practice your faith daily, in all kinds of situations.
Most of my wishes for you - 1013 wishes - are for your lives to be filled with love. You've been blessed with great loving families on every side. We are all here for you and love you more than you will ever understand, until, maybe, you have children of your own. Love your family back. You can depend on them to always be in your corner. Let them know that they can depend on you, too.
Find yourselves true friends and love them like crazy. They'll teach you about love in ways your family can't.
Love books and learning and travel and theatre and music and working with your hands and creating interesting stuff and helping other folks.
If you remember all the people and things you love every single day, you won't have much time to let whatever you hate take over your lives. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and this should be easier for you.
Liam and Granddaughter-to-be, those are my 2013 wishes for you. Good health, a compassionate, discerning heart, and love. Lots of love. You have my heart. You have my love. May all 2013 wishes come true.
What Do You Need to Stay Warm?
1 year ago
Beautiful. precious. To keep.
Mary, this is wonderful! I'm printing it and showing it to everyone I know! I just hope to remember it all on some boring, rainy Tuesday in February! You're so good, and so good with words. I'm thankful for this!
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