Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 8: Thankful, Relieved, Loved

My reign over GrandBoy and his three doggies is almost at an end. His parents are due home within an hour or so and - no surprise - they can't wait to get their hands on the babe. Now that Liam is safely tucked into bed (until his parents come home, at least), I can confess what most worried me as I started the week. Only three things, really, and I'm proud to say that none of the worries came to pass.

First, I was scared I'd drop Liam coming down the stairs. Yep, I did it a month or so ago - my foot slipped on last step and down came baby, GrandMary and all. (Fortunately, I broke his fall, mostly. We're both fine.) Anyway, with that on my resume, I've spent this week counting each step out loud (there are 18) as we come down. And of course I hold the banister. Whew. I must've come down those steps with Liam 234,629 times, more or less, this week, and we both got through it unscathed.

Second, I was afraid he might slide out of my hands as I got him out of the bath. No problem. At all. Never even an issue.

Third, I was terrified that I would forget to disarm the house alarm in the mornings. To help me remember, I stuck reminders at each of the exterior doors reminding me to turn off the alarm. Never set it off, not once. All those little sticky notes really helped. 

GrandBoy and I had a busy but happy Day 8. Not much napping happened, but a lot of food was consumed (on Liam's part). We played hard and giggled a lot. We put pennies in his piggy bank and did a couple of errands that took us out of the house. 

And now, with Ma and Pa's arrival imminent, GrandMary is thankful for so much time with her precious GrandBoy, relieved that none of her fears came to pass, and feeling very loved by a sweet little guy. 

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