You'd think that a newborn could get a little peace and quiet after spending all those hours being squeezed out of that warm jacuzzi he lived in for almost 10 months. Not so.
Oh, the measuring and weighing and battery of tests! A guy barely drops off to sleep or has a chance to greet his many visitors, when in swoops someone to take him away to test his hearing or PKU or a photographer bounces in to take pictures. Sheesh!
Then there's the steep learning curve of how to maneuver his hands out of a tight swaddle or figure out the whole breast-feeding thing. Face it, things were a lot simpler in the mommy-jacuzzi.
But the little guy with the face of an angel and a headful of fabulous hair is a pretty smart cookie. He survived Day 1, usually in the cuddle of Mama or Daddy or GrandMary or friends who dropped by the hospital for a first glimpse at the little feller. He's catching on fast.
Which is good, because his second 24-36 hours will throw him another little curve: going home. No more nurse interruptions or hospital surroundings. It shouldn't be too hard for him to settle in to his adorable nursery, chill out in his swing or cradle, and start living the life of Liam.
You're doing great, kiddo!
What Do You Need to Stay Warm?
1 year ago
1 comment:
this day really was such a beautiful day. liam is very lucky to have kate as his mommy - many kudos to you for raising such a wonderful woman!
p.s. your blog really is the absolute sweetest thing ever. i enjoy it on a regular basis.
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